how to discover self
Discovering who you are can be an adventure.
Boldly going where no person has gone before. Some journeys do involve the excitement of a 5 year mission to space. But no person will ever be you as you are right now, not before and not ever again.
Sometimes I think that the most interesting and rewarding journey that you will ever have is to travel within the undiscovered country of your own self. Sound odd? It isn’t really. Our lives today have constant pressure to do. Cleaning, gardening, shopping, work, kids, family, friends, partners, exercise. The list is quite endless. We might want to stop and just be. The word is, after all, well-being, not well-doing. So turn off the smartphone and TV. Turn on some music. Flick through a magazine or book. Sit outside on your balcony or in your yard. Or just open up the window and breath in the night air. When was the last time you walked outside at night, and just looked up at the stars?
Just stop and be. It’s the first small step in any journey of discovery.